Monday, February 04, 2008

Singapore Gala Premiere of Kung Fu Dunk

Singapore Gala Premiere of Jay Chou's Kung Fu Dunk
Thanks to the Crocodile-wearing husband of the sister of the A, free 3rd February tickets for the gala premiere of Kung Fu Dunk (功夫灌篮) and goodie bags containing a Kung Fu Dunk cardholder and notepad with thumbnails of the photos he put together for Charlene Choi/Li Li in the movie.

Very little[1] can compare with being in Suntec City Convention Hall 602 with 2,998 rabid fans[2] cheering Jay Chou (周杰倫)/Shi Jie on, cat-calling their appreciation and applauding his every slam dunk[3].

[1] very little...unless one was not a rabid fan.

[2] excluding the A and I who, having little faith in Jay's enunciation, spent a good 45 minutes (= 20 repetitions of the theme song, Master Chou (周大俠)) trying to figure out the Mandarin homophone for toufu (豆腐), pausing only to comment on Jay's red pants. Turns out the word in the theme song is actually 'toufu'. Listen here. Watch the MV here.

Lyrics to Master Chou (周大俠):
一截老老的老姜 一段舊舊的舊時光

我說啊 屏風就該遮冰霜 屋檐就該擋月光
江湖就該開扇窗 平劇就該耍花槍
紮下馬步我不搖晃 悶了慌了倦了我就穿上功夫裝

# 我不賣豆腐 (豆腐) 豆腐 (豆腐)
功夫 (功夫) 功夫 (功夫)
趕緊穿上旗袍 免得你說我吃你豆腐

你就像豆腐 (豆腐) 豆腐 (豆腐)
功夫 (功夫) 功夫 (功夫)
趕緊穿上旗袍 免得你說我吃你豆腐 #

我稍微伸展拳腳 你就滾到邊疆
回旋踢太用力 畫面就變的很荒涼
落花配對配夕陽 翻山越嶺渡過江
我清一清嗓 清一清嗓 唱起秦腔

飛天飛敦煌 北方北大荒
啊這什麽地方 這什麽狀況 啦啦啦啦

[2] The Singapore Slingers were the warm-up act. Wonder what they thought of this far more popular celluloid-fantasy simulacra of their professional lives.



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