Monday, June 09, 2008

ARPC Church Camp 2008 on 2 Corinthians "Strength in Weakness"

Just back from the ARPC church camp.

Thankful that the Shanghai negotiations ended fairly speedily which allowed for 1 whole day in Singapore before hitching a ride up to Malacca for the camp.

There're few things for rivalling the fellowship opportunities of a church camp that brings everyone together in one place so that if you attempted to go up to your room for a quick power nap, you'd still be found in the lobby 1.5 hours later, having only moved 5 steps closer to the lift, chatting with people you hadn't met for ages and tickling babies you were meeting for the first time.

We stayed at Hotel Equatorial again this year, across the road from supper staples:
Ramly Burger! - "Special"
Ramly burgers,

Maggi Mee Goreng
maggi mee goreng and

satay, and beside the snack haven that is Melaka Megamall.

Fried Wantons in Malacca
Already, before we'd even reached the hotel, 60 crispy wantons stuffed with juicy prawns encountered a horde of hungry Singaporeans and fulfilled their tasty destinies.

Paul Barker
But the greatly anticipated meaty stuff was God’s word. The guest speaker this year was Paul Barker, a man not given to much humour nor eye-opening illustrations but inspite of that (or, because of that?) the message of Paul's fourth letter to the Corinthian church (2 Corinthians) shone through gloriously.

More after youth camp which commences in a few hours!

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At June 11, 2008 6:16 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying some of your posts. Love Malay, Thai, etc. food. A friend of ours does music ministry in Singapore and Japan (etc.)including lots of church camps. You might possibly know him. Noboru Morishige?

At June 11, 2008 11:18 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i didn't get to eat the wantons.


At June 15, 2008 12:41 pm , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Claudia: can't say I've heard of him. Would love to hear his music though. Has he got a site?

CS: But you got Aunty Lee's and another bak kut outing, I hear!


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